Most of the business and brands goes for offline method like television/radio advertising, print advertising and a few(good tho), Online marketing, on the other hand, offers a range of methods that are low-to-no cost.
So the question is: why spend that big money when you can actually spend a few amount on social media and get the same result.
Social media platforms, Facebook in particular, is just one hell of the method am going to talk about.
Do any of these sound like brand?
- You know you “should” be using Facebook to grow your business, but just don’t know where to start
- You want to establish a web presence, but don’t have the budget for a “real” website
- You spend hours online but aren’t seeing the results you know you should be
- You’ve seen other businesses use Facebook to get tons of targeted leads and customers and you KNOW you can too; you just don’t know how
- You wish you could just pay someone to “do it all” for you so you can focus on other, more pressing parts of your business
When you expand your brand with a Facebook Fan or Business Page, you can:
- Engage and interact with your clients and potential customers real-time
- Create a devoted group of “fans” who’ll buy from you over and over again
- Exponentially increase visibility of your business as fans tell friends who tell friends and so on…
- Find and connect with potential business partners
- Position yourself as a recognized expert to your market
- Expose your business and brand to your target audience DAILY
- BONUS: Increase your search engine optimization (a.k.a. visibility)
Let me hold you by the hand and teach you how to start from the scratch:
Go to Facebook page to create a page. After setting it up, be sure to put your company logo up as the profile photo. Don’t leave it blank, and don’t put your own face there unless your face is normally what customers see when they look for your brand. Also don’t forget to add a cover photo because it one of the most prominent piece of real estate on your brand page, so make it eye-catching! The imagery should line up directly with what your business does. Just remember – “no calls to action” in the cover photo. Just follow instructions to add necessary information after the setup.
Time to Grow Your Fan Base!
Give yourself 30-45 minutes a day to engage your audience and share your business.
You don’t want to just make “buy this” posts all day. You want to be engaging and personable. You never know who you’ll meet or how one conversation could lead to a lifetime customer or client.
You could also hire a social media manager like me to do the posting for you. Will ask you some questions about your company in the onset of your contract and make posts for you continually to engage, answer questions and expose your brand.
If you are not utilizing social media to expand your business, you are definitely letting a great opportunity pass you by. A good social media plan coupled with a search engine optimized website (preferably WordPress blog) and email marketing can be the catapult you need in your business.
The last time I checked, Facebook had over 1.55 BILLION ACTIVE monthly users!
And if you’ve been noticed, huge brands are taking advantage of it as a piece to their entire marketing puzzle. So whether you have a local business or solely online business, there’s no reason you can’t benefit from this platform.
I mean, think about it… you get to visit your clients and customers where they live! Everyday! For FREE!!
Don’t forfeit the benefits because you think it’s too hard or not worth the time. Real business owners and entrepreneurs do whatever it takes to succeed and they don’t let golden opportunities pass them by because of fear or inexperience. They do whatever it takes to win!
Decide. Right now. That you are going to do whatever it takes to win. Don’t let fear and technical barriers keep you stuck. Take one step at a time. I guarantee you that after one step, the next one will get easier and so will the one after that…
You can hire a social media marketer like me, setup everything for you and see you brand booming….. Contact me