Pima Utility Company is one of the oldest private utility suppliers in the United States. All information you wish to know about the company and its business is available on this page.
If you landed on this page in search of information concerning Pima Utility Company, you are on the right page. On this page, I will explain everything you wish to know about the Pima Utility Company.
Earlier, I wrote about other utility companies including FirstEnergy Corporation, Poco Energy, Duke Energy, etc.
The table of content below shows the overview of the topics treated on this page. Click on any of the topics to jump to the particular article.
Pima Utility Company
Pima Utility Company is a company that has been providing safe drinking water for over 10,000 customers in the Sun Lakes area, Arizona. The company also manages wastewater for its cherished customers.
The company operates two independent systems within its certified area. ADEQ Public Water system number 07-120 is a portable water system that provides water to residential, commercial, and irrigational customers. There is also a separate non-portal water system that provides irrigation service to golf courses.
Pima Utility has been in service since 1972 and it is regulated by the Arizona Corporation Commission. You can locate the company’s office at 9532 E Riggs Rd, Chandler, AZ 85248.
Rates and tariffs
The company provides very transparent information on tariffs and charges to help customers better understand how much they get to pay using the service.
Tariff charges
You should read the tariff charges as outlined nicely in a PDF file for customers. This will help you understand the bills you page.
Curtailment tariff
There is a curtailment tariff. The company has been authorized to implement a Water Service Curtailment Tariff. However, not all customers will have to pay these charges. You can read the details of this tariff from the PDF file designed for customers.
Cross Connection or Backflow Tariff
Another tariff that the company has in place is the Cross Connection or Backflow Tariff. The purpose of this tariff is to protect Pima Utility Company water from the possibility of contamination by the backflow of contaminants that may be present on the customer’s premises.
This includes requiring the installation and periodic testing of backflow prevention units pursuant to the provisions of the Arizona Administrative Code (“A.A.C”) R14-2-405.B.6 and A.A.C R18-4-215.
You can download the full PDF file to check what the entire tariff entails.
These tariffs are made available in PDF file formats so you can see the transparency of the bills you pay.
Pima Utility Company payment methods
Pima has multiple payment options for its customers. There are so many ways available for a customer to make his or her utility payment.
You can pay your bills using an electronic bank draft all simply making payments via a simple phone call. All these payment methods are available to help make your payments faster and easier.
Let us take a quick look at the payment methods and how to utilize them.
Online Payment
There are many ways you can make payments using your debit or credit card. follow the procedure below to make payment using the Pima Utility Company online portal.
You must have an account to be able to make payments using the platform.
- First, visit the website via URL: https://pimautility.com/ You should see a page similar to the one in the image below.

- On the page, click on Account Access from the page. You should land on a page similar to the page in the image below.

- Click on the “REGISTER” button to register for an account if you do not have an account yet. If you have an account, simply log in and set up your account to start making payments.
Sure Pay – Authorization For Automatic Payment
Pima Utility Company gives customers the opportunity to authorize any financial institution of their choice to help with automatic payment collection.
There is a form available that you must download, print, fill out and mail to the company in order to activate automatic payment on your account.
You can check and download the form from the Pima website.