A PBN is a network of websites that you own and control, primarily composed of “expired domains” that carry some authority over a previous life.
The premise is that even a small number of authoritative links pointing back to your “money site” or main niche site can skyrocket its ranking in Google. Unlike public blog networks, these networks that you create are totally under your control .
Most newbies make the mistake of opting for a public blog network that advertised on forums and by marketers pushing such networks. While these may seem like a cheap great solution at first glance, in the long run, they will end up getting your website de-indexed.
And while does this happen? Well because the simple fact that they are public. Eventually, Google finds out about them, and all the website that have backlinks to from these networks get de-indexed as well.
#1.They are truly private, which means that other than you and Google nobody knows about this blog networks
#2.They are totally in your control, so you can add and remove links as you please.
#3.You control the number of outbound links and link juice.
#4.If any blog in your PBN gets de-indexed, you can immediately remove all the backlinks from the de-indexed domain, thereby shielding your money sites from any repercussions.
#5.Links always remain on the homepage which has the most page rank.
So why are links from a blog network better than a link say from a blog comment, or say a forum profile? Well, for that you need to realize that not all links are equal.
What Makes A Link Valuable?
#1.It has to be from a domain that has authority. I’m sure that you realize that a link from say a news site like CNN to your website is more valuable than say a profile backlink from say warrior forum.
#2.The PageRank of the page from which you got the backlinks. Google ranking has always relied on PageRank and domain authority. There are people who debunk this, but I have always found that PageRank of a site matter.
#3.Location of the link on the page. Google value contextual links, that is links that are surrounded by content. These kind of links are more valuable that links on a blogroll or in a sites footer.
#4.Outbound links on the page which link back to you. The smaller the number of outbound links the more valuable is the link.
Now that I have made it clear why PBN are the best form of backlinks for SEO, lets see how we can actually go about building one.
So How Do You Go About Building Your Own PBN?
As I mentioned earlier your blog network comprises blog setup on domains with high PageRank and authority.
The simplest and fastest ways to procure sure domains is to purchase expired domains. while there are several registrars that auction expired domain, Godaddy is the cheapest.
There is free way of doing this using a site called expired domains dot net. Once you’re up for a free account, click the link titled “marketdomains”. This will show various provider that run an auction for expired domains.
Thing To Consider When Buying Auction Domain
#1.Verify the PageRank of that domain at bulk checker.
#2.Verify that the site is still indexed by Google.
To do this go to google.com and type in “info:domainname.extension and see if there are any pages that are indexed if not don’t buy it.
#3.Check the backlink profile of the domain.
#4.Majestic Metrics
To make sure that the domain that you are purchasing worth buying you need to check what it “Trust flow and “Citation flow” are. Visit majesticseo.com and enter the url of the expires domain into the search box and press “search” icon. Just make sure that both the trust flow and citation flow for the domain are more than 10.
#5.MOZ Metrics
The next step is to visit opensiteexplorer.com and enter the url of the expired domain then check the “Domain Authority, “Page Rank and MOZRank. Make sure the DA and PA are more than 20 and the Moz rank is more than 1
Setting Up The Domains
The first thing you need to do once you have the domains you bought transferred to your account is to change DNS records and contact info. Even though you supposed to use your real info in the whois of your domain. I enter fake data. Call me stingy, but I’ve never paid for a private whois registration. Doing this hides the fact from Google that all the blogs have one owner and thus even if one of your blogs in the network get de-indexed,the rest are isolated from that.
Setting Up Site and Posting Contents
After you done with the domain stuff, Configure your site with WordPress cms, install a theme and some necessary plugins, Now the content you post to your PBN doesn’t need to be human written as its not going to be read by humans.You can use any relevant spun content.What I do is to get a few relevant articles from ezinearticles.com and some other similar sites, then create a collated articles by grabbing random paragraph from each article till I have 500+ word article. I run it through thebestspinner.com and get a spun article which I then use as my post content. I only link to a money site/Main niche once in a post. Additionally, I link out to one or two sites that are the same niche as the money site.
I also include a video from YouTube and images that are from the same niche. this makes the post seem natural. If you want to link to a site more than once in a post, use one text link and one image link. And link to the homepage and an inner page.
Do not post to the money site/main niche from all the blogs network on the same day, rather drip feed the link one, every few days.
Important Points While Linking From Your PBN
#1.Do not interlink your blogs in the network.
#2.Do not post more than 2 links per post to your money site.
#3.Do not sell advertising or backlinks from your networks.
If you still don’t know how to set up your PBN, Don’t hesitate to hit me up and I will surely put you through.