If you are looking for the best way to pay Mon Power bill, then you are on the right page. There are many ways to pay Mon Power bill.
Before we look at how to pay Mon Power bills as the main topic, let us get to understand a few things about the company before you continue. You can also use the table of content below to jump to a particular heading in case you already know about Mon Power.
Mon Power | What they do
Mon Power is one of the ten energy distribution companies under the FirstEnergy Corporation umbrella. This particular branch of the company serves 395,000 customers within West Virginia.
You can locate this company at 5001 Nasa Blvd, Fairmont, WV 26554, United States. Call Mon Power on 800-686-0022.
To know how to pay your bill, you must first have a service so let us quickly look at how to start service with Mon Power.
How to start service with Mon Power
The procedure you must follow to start service with Mon Power is the same procedure you will follow to start service with any other FirstEnergy Corporation company.
There are two different ways you can start service with Mon Power. One involves filling out an application form online and the other involves simply calling a customer center number to request service.
To request service through the online form, you must first make sure you are within the Mon Power service zone. Then simply follow the procedure from my previous article; How to start service with FirstEnergy.
It is a very simple procedure and should help you get your service installed.
If you want to request service via phone, then the number to call is 800-686-0022. Always make sure you are within the service zone before you request service.
How to pay Mon Power bill
There are so many ways you can pay Mon Power bill. You can pay your bill with an electronic bank draft, credit or debit card. You can even pay by mail or in person.
I have outlined some of the payment methods available in my previous article; “Utilizing The Easiest FirstEnergy Corp Bill Pay Method“. Read the article to know the different ways you can pay Mon Power bill.
All the methods on the page can help you pay your Mon Power bills.
If you want to pay your Mon Power bill, you must first log into your FirstEnergy account.
Mon Power log in
The Mon Power log in procedure starts from the FirstEnergy website. You simply have to visit the Mon Power log in page using this URL: https://www.firstenergycorp.com/mon_power.html.
You can not log in without an account. The account can be created if you have a service with Mon Power.
If you visit the URL above, you should see a page similar to the one in the screenshot below.

Enter your FirstEnergy username and password. You should be able to access your account shortly after that.
If you don’t have an account but you have service with Mon Power, then simply click on the “Register” button.
Fill out the form with your 12-digit Mon Power account number and follow through the process to verify your account. As soon as your account is verified, you can log in using your chosen username and password.
After logging in, you can pay Mon Power bill directly from your account dashboard using a payment method of your choice.
Mon Power Outage VW
For some reason, there could be a power outage. There is a system available to help you report or check Mon Power outage.
If you want to report an outage, you can call the Mon Power customer service phone number to report. You can also report through the online portal using this link.
If you want to check outages, there are two ways to go about it. If the power outage you want to check is one reported by you, then you must log into your account first before you can see it.
For checking general power outages, you have to visit the Mon Power outage VW page using the link. The map shows the areas experiencing power outages.
Simply enter your street address to check if your street is experiencing a power outage. If you don’t see outages in your area, then probably, the outage in your area has not been reported yet.