The Illuminating Company power outage reporting is easy. however, checking the reports to know exactly what is going on could be tricky at times. Especially, if you do not understand the data shown or how to use filters to see exactly what is going on.
In this article, we shall look at how to check the Illuminating Company power outage as well as how to report to the company if there is an outage. These are two important things that every customer must know about their energy company.
Before we look at how to do that, quickly take a look at the table of contents below to see the overview of the page. You can easily click on any of the headings to jump to the particular article.
The Illuminating Company
The Illuminating Company is one of FirstEnergy’s ten distribution companies. This particular company serves approximately 700,000 customers within the northeast region of Ohio.
You can locate the company at 11517 Fruitland Ct, Cleveland, OH 44102. The company is one of Duke Energy’s subsidiaries and so, therefore, is headquartered in Akron, Ohio.
How to start service with the Illuminating Company
To start service with the Illuminating Company, you must be within the company’s service areas. The company covers the northeast of Ohio, so you must be within the service zone to be able to request a new service.
There are two ways you can request service. One of the ways is by filling out a form on the FirstEnergy website which I have already written about. Read “How to start service with FirstEnergy“.
The other way to start service is by simply calling the Illuminating Company to request service. Make sure you are within the company’s service zone and call the Illuminating Company number; 800 633-4766 to request service.
How to report the Illuminating Company power outage
Reporting the Illuminating Company power outage is very simple compared to most other companies.
You can report an outage through your FirstEnergy account or by calling the Illuminating company number. I will explain both ways below.
Go to the Illuminating Company homepage, you should see a similar navigation bar to the one in the image below.

Select and click on “Report Outage“.
On the next page, enter your FirstEnergy username and password to log in and report your outage. For quicker reporting, you can simply enter your phone number and the Illuminating Company account number associated with the power outage.
You can also call the Illuminating Company number; 800 633-4766 to report a power outage.
How to check the Illuminating Company power outage
Checking the Illuminating Company power outage is equally as simple as reporting it. There are two different types of power outages that you can check and they are;
- The power outages you reported but affecting only you or your entire area.
- Power outages reported by someone else but affecting your area.
There is a system to help you track the status of your complaint when you report the Illuminating Company power outage using your account.
To check the status of the Illuminating Company power outage that you reported, you must first visit the FirstEnergy outage overview link.
Log in using your username and password. You should be able to track your power outage status.
Checking the Illuminating Company power outage for your area
Checking the power outage in your area is very simple. Visit the Illuminating Company homepage link. You should see a page similar to the one in the image below.

Click on “View outages”. You should see a similar page to the one in the image below.

Click on the search button as indicated in the screenshot above.
Enter your address and confirm.
The address you entered will show on the map and all reported outages will appear on the map. If your outage has not been reported yet, then you might not see any active outages in your area.
Use the filters in the left pane of the page to filter which results you want to see.
The Illuminating Company pay bill options
The Illuminating Company pay bill options available for customers to utilize include Electronic Bank Draft, Credit or Debit Card, Direct Debit Payment, Pay In Person, or Pay By Mail.
All the aforementioned payment methods are available for all Illuminating Company customers to use.
You should read “How to utilize the easiest FirstEnergy bill pay methods” to learn more about the Illuminating Company pay bill options available.